Way of life

Despite many attempts
I failed. To define life.

I travelled between a journey
and a lesson most of the time.

I started reading
versions of good and bad,
right and wrong,
success and failure;
Nothing is accurate,
nothing perfect.

My life, I thought
cannot be construed
by borrowed fantasies.

I came back to spell out.
Horrible interpretations
of yes and no.

Which path to take?
I don’t spend my time
thinking over it,
questioning ceaselessly,
anywhere I go
a way comes along.

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So happy to see you back here.
I love this very deep philosophical verse. For me, the fact that it appears to be disguised as ‘throw away’ transparent, only adds to its power and authenticity.
Great verse,

Last edited 3 years ago by franciman

if decimals and negative numbers are a fraud to enslave us then so are the seven days of a week which serve as decimals of a year and so is the past (anything that happens prior to now is negative). if you can live 1 more minute you can live 1 more hour 1 more day 1 more year in the twilight zone of Zero Time and Zero Space interacting with Indivisible Infinity. ourselves are our only enemies when we are not their best friends. invent a path. In the end all our actions and experiences will become nothing but… Read more »