Summoning the Furies

More a prayer than a prediction, unfortunately…


Revolution isn’t born of want, but need.
The seed, tossed across a fallow field
will yield such bitter crops
and stop forever the economic growth
of both the new elite and banks.

For common man needs common ground,
a level plain to meet on.
Not o’er the floor of Parliament;
nor the playing fields of Eton.
Just somewhere standing eye to eye.

So bit by bit the fuse is lit.
We’re sitting pretty, say the wits of Whitehall and the City.
And tempers fray, as day on day,
an anger stirs the masses; like asses in an Aesop tale
they recognise this bestial state and rise.

Huddled for safety in their Ivory Tower,
The Flower of British society,
in such an hour of need, concede some minor points.
And feed upon the vanity that at a stroke,
the smoke and mirrors act will put the fire out.

Conflagration is not so easy to contain;
disdain but fuels the furnace of revolt.
So needs unmet are swiftly set at wants –
demands to have all power in our hands.
that we, in turn, should be the new elite.

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I would make a brilliant fascist dictator.


Hi Jim. Long time, no see (so to speak). A scathing diatribe at the establishment and it does indeed read as prayer-like with biblical language and tone. So much revolution across the world in the last thirty years or so but so often the aftermath is no better (or worst) than before, as you allude in the last two lines of your thought provoking poem. BTW I hope to start contributing again soon but been constrained over the past couple of years by my wife (partners) terminal illness. C’est la vie.


An excellent poem, Jim, with clever internal rhymes – need/seed, field/yield, etc – and a good rhythm.
The final stanza is so true and very revealing of some people thirst for power.


And tempers fray, as day on day, an anger stirs the masses….
Yep that gets my vote
Well done with this one Jim.


I agree with this as i come from mining stock and nearby in the Merthy Rising of 1831, a sheet dipped in calf’s blood was hoisted for the very first time.

A Shakespearean feel to both presentation/staging and ‘argument’ for me! And can’t we just hear the same echoes for political justice ringing down through the centuries and across the world! Do we EVER learn? But an especially timely write, franciman, considering the precarious state we find ourselves in – once again – right now. Agree with Ionicus – there is a lot of pleasing and clever use of assonance and alliteration throughout this poem. Skillful. Admire the way your ending takes us right back to your opening line: Revolution isn’t born of want, but need. And your reasoning, showing that… Read more »