Latest Submissions

Five Micro-Poems

A selection of five of my short poems ...


Mountains to climb ...

The Forgotten Song ...


/ / Poetry / 1 Comment on PREFACE

the strange nature

...has a rose ever competed with a tulip,  or with a lotus, has the sun ever fought with the moon or with  any other stars, then what is preventing us from learning the loving  lessons from the celestial school; nature is a good teacher, sad, the supreme creature, a group of unteachable pupils ...

The inchoate intervention

The inchoate intervention (edited 13/3/21) an early morning drive and the need to protect ...

Presidential Smack-Down

This is satire. No deceased former American presidents were harmed during the writing of this piece. Posted these separately years ago and now want to get a reaction on all four rounds combined ...

Feeder terminal 1: no 58

grateful for what we're given ...


A continuation of the art theme ...

The Curse of Art

 Art always seems to love itself - like self-licking ice-cream… ...

Love, at the helm of things

The intelligent mind, unable to comprehend love, without lust; opulence, not kind, a poverty-monger; success, taking sides professes failure; in love's presence existence experiences abundance... from the depth of a bombed earth, a green sapling, unconditional affection announces birth; love, at the helm of things dancing, swinging, singing in the middle of all human-made crises ...

With you gone

When you went away, the spring left from my backyard, the sun was pouring heat in my space, burning the plants, from the soft green to a pale yellow. My house, transformed into a pyre. The crows had their beaks open for a drop of water from the exhausted heaven, trees failed to offer a comforting shade of love. I knew, almost instantly, that a year later, when my space will again be in full ...

The Mysterious Castaway

Based on a Legend from Maritime Canada ...