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Adam Kadmon

Everything is a lie, we are lying to ourselves. Deception and deceit deny diluted, diminutive derivatives of destiny. A mudra you cannot make is the key dangled, just out of reach. You forgot the answer and then the question. Tricking yourself into not knowing you are completely alone. Forsaken and abandoned, left to rot in a maze of madness. Everything exists, only to disappear once you look out through the bars of your cage. Every ...
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As I move to you with my vibrations tenderly caressing you at length, I just could not feel any better at this consummation of our harmony, as if there couldn't be a thing still lacking in our free existence of pure love and nothing else, as if our separation even couldn't be more negligeable as my life is filled with you. So let us stay that way and carry on, and I will humbly stick ...
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Circumnavigating Curvatures

of the mind with senility, the brain shrinks, so we have to use the non-reproducing cells of old memories to create new! Quirky! Pic.: my own Owing to gravitation's omnipresent pull over the vast encompassment of the cosmos, there is no such thing as a straight line, neither in space, nor over time; so all things linear, are curves measured astronomically! As the clocks tick, loop-fed through present,  future and past continue on a round journey, arriving, leaving, reappearing, ...

Helpless, almost

Your rationality bewilders me, your sense transcends my own, I am a maniac in comparison and sick at that in mind and soul, while you appear a formidable godsend to adjust me and correct me with your calm good sense and reason, but do I have the capacity to listen and to be corrected by a better self that I did hardly make myself deserved of? It's all up to me, I am afraid, but ...

The Inhuman Enemy

in another tragic Russian epoch Pic.: free at Pixabay The rest of the intercontinental world would feel less threatened by nuclear annihilation, if the Russian dictator, murderer, and gangster Putin only had a sick brain instead of a twisted mind The difference is impulsive unpredictability versus premeditated evil For it's a strange fact, but the pyramid of financially-rewarded power, including the KGB and Duma, holding such obnoxious despots up, the equally guilty apex top, regard: the one, a medical condition intolerantly pitiful, the other just ...

Hurricane force twelve.

I spent many years at sea, 35 or so. One time we were caught in a force twelve hurricane in the bay of biscay. Our ship was 53.000 tons, but the seas dwarfed us. You can only point into the wind, go through the calm of the eye then fight it again until it's passed over you. This particular time the radio operator and some of us officers were on the bridge, looking up at ...

The Hollow Men

Written after watching a recent Hard Talk programme, and three in the Crimewatch series on BBC. Pic.: no © All shame to the hollow men, meaning all those people, who contend they are democratic, who say I defend your right to diverse opinion as long as you don't question mine, for then you are - racist! All shame to the hollow men, meaning all those people, who know, in today's world especially, with high global movement, religion has no natural borders, has no biological base, and yet they still ...


It's the stray dog that followed you home, the vandals that smashed your garden gnome, a lifeguard that gave you mouth to mouth, that holiday leak that flooded the house.   Its a flat tire on the airport run, 1st degree burns on the fist day of sun, three passports for a family of four, the left behind finger in a closing car door.   The map is drawn the course ready charted yes it ...

The mystery of morning

Thick socks fall in loops over ankles   displayed like the slipped towel of a naked back   pushed further down by a bashful hand,   innocent of the artists eye.     Pale hairy soleus protrude to   shuffle across cold cracked tiles   all silent but a hiss of burning gas,   the frightened kettle screeches a warning   and I appear outside in heavy frost.     Thick white mascara brushed onto cobwebs ...

Watching as Winter makes her entrance

We trees swill our auburn brandy in glasses of cut crystal, try to mingle as the party dies down colourful and cold. The last turn of our heads is lost in wet transparent transfers as she slides down her staircase with open arms to face us. Her eyes only see refracted light, a smile that holds only white swirling behind angry teeth, she doesn't know of what she speaks. As she sweeps through the room ...

Shaping the future

We sat opposites at a window table waiting for breakfast after the bed and for me to speak. The anaglypta walls still hung to the 70's as did the wipeable surfaces. Each setting had an earthenware vase with a single dusty silk rose that made me think of teeth and castanets. I made myself laugh but only inside. You were avoiding eyes as I closed one and lined the curve of the vase with the ...

Morning Cigar

Verse 1 Morning rain keeps me in bed Last nights beer is banging my head I need to get up and shake leg My mind is blank I forget what I said I reach out for my cigarettes And that first smoke is as good as it gets Chorus Black Coffee and Nicotine There’s something missing in my bloodstream Black Coffee and Nicotine Is all I need, Is all I need Black Coffee and Nicotine ...

Inner Contentment

achieved by simply keeping perceptions of life, including whatever it throws at you, in balance! Pic.: my own, it will soon be here! Acquiring a life philosophy comfortable as an old overcoat is the secret of my inner contentment; or more precisely, accepting the rationale: all human life is comic-tragic. Of course, it’s difficult staying glad seeing hope crushed by pointless loss, feeling sad witnessing chance mock causal laws producing miracle and exception, absolving all from seeking ...

Have Cake, Eat Cake, Have Cake.

I often think of UKAuthors. But I rarely ever visit. I often think about how much writing has meant to me at times in my life. Then life takes over. I remember the glory years on this site. And I miss those times profoundly. Our attention has been stolen. By apps, social media and streaming services. And those of us who refuse to be taken in. Find ourselves lost on lonely sites like this. Places ...

Scotland The Brave!

In the Westminster bubble As an avid follower and somewhat disconnected neutral observer of British and NI politics I have to admit from my layman perspective the SNP politicians have proven to be people of courage and principle not, to my mind, because they want an independent Scotland (I'm a Scotland-born unionist), or want to return to being a submissive-State in the dictatorial Franco-German Federation (I was, and am, a leaver) but because, more than most MPs ...